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Inspections Offline

Through the internet, Information can be accessed faster and easier.   However, the internet can sometimes have problems with interruptions that drop connections and could cause the loss of current inspections.   To avoid this possibility, technologies exist that allow performing inspections offline and then synchronizing the inspection later or from another location, when  more stable internet connection is available.

Inspection can be done offline on mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones, Android Smart phones or tablets, laptops, tablet PC’s and Windows 10 devices.  Apps can be installed on these devices to allow offline inspections.  These inspections can be completed, saved on the device and be synchronized safely to the cloud database at a later time. This technology can save a lot of down-time waiting for connections and provide a higher level of security, so that inspections are not loss.  Inspectors can continue their work even during internet down times.

Doing inspections offline helps solve problems of loss of inspections during internet outages and down time when internet connections can’t be made.

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